Minus 30 is a blend of R600a and R290, two naturally occurring hydrocarbon refrigerant gases and is perfect for use in automotive air-conditioning systems and in refrigeration applications.
Operates at lower pressures to R134A
Similar volumetric refrigerating effect to R12 and R134A
Can be used in a R12 or R134A compressor or a specific hydrocarbon compressor
Can be used with R12 or R134A heat exchangers & expansion devices
Compatible with most common refrigeration materials and lubricants
Application and use
Ideal for use in small commercial refrigeration and air-conditioning systems where R12 has traditionally been used.
Hydrocarbon refrigerants are flammable and must be handled in a safe and responsible manner by properly qualified, trained and/or experienced technicians and mechanics. Relevant regulations or standards should always be adhered to.
Most commonly used refrigerants when mixed with oil vapour and air can be flammable. In plain terms, hydrocarbon refrigerant is safe for both refrigeration and air conditioning use. However, like petrol, solvents, and other commonly used volatile products, hydrocarbon refrigerant are highly flammable, and therefore should not be released in the presence of an ignition source.
HyChill hydrocarbon refrigerants have a distinctive "rotting cabbage" odour added to to assist with leak detection. The odour can fade with time.
Additional Information
Product Composition
High Purity Hydrocarbon Refrigerant
Precision Propane/Isobutane blend
Cylinder has a liquid withdrawal valve (upright position labelled)
9 kg cylinder will charge up to 40 cars
Packed in a cardboard box with information kit containing refrigerant identification labels, material safety data sheet and other usage guidance information.
Product Characteristics
Superior heat rejection – gives better condenser heat exchange performance
30% by weight required of recommended fluorocarbon refrigerant charge or refer to charge weight section.
Digital scales recommended – they save a great deal of time and also help to prevent refrigerant wastage.
Minus 30 is compatible with any refrigerant lubricant, however we strongly recommend a system flush and use of SRO500 oil in all systems
Effect on Systems
Lower Head Pressures reduce load on compressor
Less heat at compressor
Less engine drain at idle and when running
Positive liquid head at TX valve or restrictor
Quicker pull down temperature at vent
Lower vent temperature at all times
No upgrading to existing processing equipment required.
No change to repairers procedures while installing
Avaliable in
4.5kg, 9kg cylinders and 425g cans.
Cylinders are fitted with a standard refrigeration liquid withdrawal valve.
HyChill Minus 30 does not require an ARC licence